Building Hope Webinar Series

February 5, 2024

This series is designed to spread hope about building a liveable Ontario and overcoming the obstacles created by Bill 23 and other recent provincial actions. It’s for concerned residents, community leaders, experts who are looking for hope and ideas about how to build a liveable Ontario.

Each webinar features one or more key speakers who share insights, evidence and best practices from Ontario and across the world. Then, participants get a chance to pose questions, make comments and connect with each other.Webinars Designed for You

Webinars Designed for You

By participating, you will:

-get accessible information about a topic that is relevant to your daily life

-connect with others

-leave with hope, inspiration and tools to build a liveable Ontario

Webinar Topics

Building the Right Housing in the Right Place

  • Webinar 1: Where is the Land we need for housing? LEARN MORE HERE.
  • Webinar 2: What type of housing do we actually need? LEARN MORE HERE.
  • Webinar 3: Empowering Homeowners to become "Mini Developers" Details to follow.
  • Webinar 4: Success Story: Downtown Kitchener. Details to follow

Building Housing and Neighbourhoods that are truly Affordable

  • Webinar details to follow soon.

(Re)Building our Neighbourhoods to Address Climate and Social Equity Problems

  • Webinar details to follow soon.

Register Here.