We are the Alliance for a Liveable Ontario.

We aim to build a future where:


We welcome a growing population accommodated through government, private sector, non-profit, co-operative and charitable partnerships that build and protect affordable, mixed housing situated within communities that offer a variety of transportation options.


Communities are vibrant, healthy, affordable, climate resilient and surrounded by permanently protected farmland and natural areas.


Provincial and municipal governments are real partners and make planning, infrastructure, and housing decisions that build sustainable, healthy communities.


All political parties reflect our agenda in their party platforms.


All political parties uphold democratic principles as well as practice public consultation, engagement and transparency.

Join the Alliance

How we plan to make change happen:

We’re creating a “big tent” of individuals and groups from many different sectors that, together, will:
  • Build a collaborative, inclusive alliance with all groups and individuals seeking to save Ontario from destructive, corrupt, and autocratic practices.
  • Communicate our message broadly, effectively, and powerfully.
  • Inspire leadership from across sectors to champion our agenda.
  • Create a multi-year term plan to ensure short term actions help build our future.

Coordinating Committee Members

Tony Morris
Ontario Nature
Ian Borsuk
Environment Hamilton
Jane Fogal
Regional Councillor, Halton Hills
Jaimee Gaunce
Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services
Tim Gray/Phil Pothen
Environmental Defence Canada
Franz Hartmann
Alliance for a Liveable Ontario
Lynn Morrow
Friends of the Golden Horseshoe
Ontario ACORN
Mark Reusser
Waterloo Federation of Agriculture
Kevin Rupasinghe
Community Activist
David Thompson
National Farmers Union -Ontario
Matthew Kellway
Registered Nurses' Assocation of Ontario

Coordinating Committee members are advisors. Their comments and/or opinions do not necessarily reflect those of other Liveable Ontario members unless they are explicitly speaking on behalf of the Alliance.


White trillium on a forest floor
Anne Bell
White trillium on a forest floor
Anne Golden
White trillium on a forest floor
Cherise Burda
White trillium on a forest floor
Claire Malcolmson
White trillium on a forest floor
David Crombie
White trillium on a forest floor
Debbie Gordon
White trillium on a forest floor
Franz Hartmann
White trillium on a forest floor
Ian Borsuk
White trillium on a forest floor
Jane Fogal
White trillium on a forest floor
Joan Faux
White trillium on a forest floor
Kevin Eby
White trillium on a forest floor
Ken Greenberg
White trillium on a forest floor
Kevin Thomason
White trillium on a forest floor
Krista Long
White trillium on a forest floor
Liz Benneian
White trillium on a forest floor
Linda Pim
White trillium on a forest floor
Lynn Morrow
White trillium on a forest floor
Margaret Prophet
White trillium on a forest floor
Mark Reusser
White trillium on a forest floor
Mark Winfield
White trillium on a forest floor
Susan Lloyd Swail
White trillium on a forest floor
Tim Gray
White trillium on a forest floor
Victor Doyle
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